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         E – SIMS is an advanced, complete computer system package specially designed for the use of educational institutions to provide an organized and systematic program for each and every concern of the school. Its special features include: Personnel MIS, Student MIS, Physical Facilities, financial MIS, community linkages, legislative and control MIS, Curriculum management, DTR system and SMS messaging facilities.  This special features directly caters to specific needs and concerns of the school in providing holistic, more organized, more systematic reporting system and a more informative leadership through transparency of all related information.


The following are the special features / components of the program (e-SIMS):


  • Personnel Management Information System-it includes personnel information, easy printing of PDS,  preparation of SF7 and computer aided plotting of teachers’ schedule


  • Learners’ Scholastic Record Management System – a database of Learners’ Scholastic Record. It provides easy and systematic student enrolment process, track enrolment status, class sectioning, record students’ attendance, students’ grades by subject, and students’ progress report, anecdotal record which includes report on students’ violations, selection of honors, statistical data and teachers’ e-class record. Printing and generation of school Forms 1-7, Forms 137 & 138 and other required reports are made easy.


The program is already updated to manage Senior High School.


  • Electronic DTR System - an electronic DTR system using employees’ ID with RFID chip and RFID  scanner or using a biometric finger print taker. Through this e-DTR system, automatic generation of CSC Form 48 and CSC Form 7, printing of logbook with records of leaves and absences, approved locator slips and summary of attendance report are made easy.


  • SMS Sending Facility -Any announcement from the administrator and teachers can be communicated easily to the school community. Important messages from the school can reach the parents by sending them a text message through this facility.


  • Student Attendance Management System – It provides the realistic record of student s’ attendance. Upon entering and before leaving the campus students will swipe their IDs on the barcode scanner, it will automatically register them in the student attendance database. Automatic generation of SF2, CCT recipient monthly attendance and faster tracking of absentees is easy.


All features are compliant with the latest DepEd issuances.

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